

Nestled somewhere in between Russ Meyers' nihilistic go-go-dancing booty queen, Henry Mancini's big band martini lounge, kid606's sound-as-attitude mash-ups, and Man or Astroman's apocalyptic "let's get off this planet already" surf anthems, END's debut on Ipecac, "The Sounds of Disaster", captures what hipster rockabilly posers and music nerds everywhere daydream of running out and buying, should news of the apocalypse hit the airwaves.

With track titles like "To Hell With Everyone", "Countdown To The End", "World Went Down", and "Fit To Die", END has made the perfect soundtrack by which to wait for the shit to hit the fan. Equal parts rockabilly, breakcore, white-trash jazz, and DC comic books, the album's twelve cuts are all about the excessive frenzy of just not caring anymore, of pill popping cowboys on mechanical bulls, of dirty cops beating on Gauloise-toting French hipsters.

As Charles Peirce (aka END) fondly reminisces, "it was about 7-8 years ago now when I was living in Rhode Island and we went to some bar to see a rockabilly band or something and everybody had cleared out because the fire alarm was going off - this high-pitched ringing -- but the band just kept playing on. And it was really amazing and just had that entire end of the world feel. A full rockabilly act just playing their hearts out and this crazy high-end screeching behind them. I was pretty sold on that as a musical style at that moment."

One listen to "The Sounds of Disaster" and it's easy to see why Mike Patton and the folks at Ipecac jumped all over it. Chalk full of schizophrenic arrangements, paranoia, alcoholic swagger, and sexual dementia, it fits perfectly with what the label's been up to.

By now you must be asking the inevitable question: who is Charles Peirce? Charles is NYC-based END. You may remember him from such albums as "Errata" and "Science/Fiction" on Hymen Records, or performing and releasing under the alias Giorgio Marauder. He's also had tracks on comps by Planet Mu and Tigerbeat6. Or perhaps you know his name from being touring and recording with Snog or his collaborations with Planet Mu, V/VM's Speedranch (aka Phantomsmasher). To be honest, he's been kicking around the music scene for over eight years now. You shouldn't call yourself a music fan if you don't know who he is.

You can also visit to find out more though.


Cover forThe Sounds of Disaster
The Sounds of Disaster